Benchmark Report

Re-test your client team to track progress & improvements through training, development and focus.

Benchmark Report

Re-test your client team to track progress & improvements through training, development and focus.

Comparing Your Cohesion example dashboard

What is a Benchmark Report?

A Benchmark report is a full retest of the TeamLytica questionnaire. It can be completed anytime after the first full report.

We'd recommend that the team works with their coach or trainer for a period of time - usually 3-6 months - to show progress and improvements. Then, when the timing is right, complete the retest and benchmark all the metrics.

Don't repeat too often so as to avoid questionnaire fatigue.

Comparing Your Cohesion example dashboard

What is a Benchmark Report?

A Benchmark report is a full retest of the TeamLytica questionnaire. It can be completed anytime after the first full report.

We'd recommend that the team works with their coach or trainer for a period of time - usually 3-6 months - to show progress and improvements. Then, when the timing is right, complete the retest and benchmark all the metrics.

Don't repeat too often so as to avoid questionnaire fatigue.

Why complete a Benchmark Report?

Because, telling them how much they've improved ins one thing but, showing them scores and data really bring sit alive.

They can see measurable improvements, where things have stayed static and where their behaviours or performance has slipped back. It creates a powerful narrative to help them move even further forward.

Cohesion index example
Comparison graphs year on year for team performance

More Coaching Opportunities for YOU

Where there are disparities between a team and 360 score, these provides coaching and training opportunities. Specific training and support can be offered that either either closes the gap or allows the team to understand why they might think they are better than they actually are.

Measure, Manage, Improve

Your role is to help drive the team forward. What you measure you can manage is to continually monitor and improve what the team does. In almost any environment, the needs and influences and pressures on the team change frequently.

Understanding and positively reacting to these changes in both the short and longer-term will help your team deliver its KPIs.

graph icon
Urgent Actions needed from results example page

Perception Vs Reality

Things often change within a team. If scores are increasing, ask yourself if this is because of your interactions, those of the team or external factors.

Likewise, scores can decrease which may be an indicator that more focused is required in those areas or, that external factors have had a negative impact on the team.

Use the data and Actions to keep moving things forward.

Return on Investment

It's always been a challenge within the coaching and L&D environment to prove the worth of your work. TeamLytica has work hard to overcome this and created resources that allow you and your client to measure progress over time.

Our Benchmark Report allows you to remeasure teams 3-6 months after the initial assessment. Every metric is compared allowing you to show progress, or otherwise, on the areas you have been focusing on and selling in your next phase of support.

Letters ROI on cubes
Cohesion index example

Why complete a Benchmark Report?

Because, telling them how much they've improved ins one thing but, showing them scores and data really bring sit alive.

They can see measurable improvements, where things have stayed static and where their behaviours or performance has slipped back. It creates a powerful narrative to help them move even further forward.

Comparison graphs year on year for team performance

More Coaching Opportunities for YOU

Where there are disparities between a team and 360 score, these provides coaching and training opportunities. Specific training and support can be offered that either either closes the gap or allows the team to understand why they might think they are better than they actually are.

graph icon

Measure, Manage, Improve

Your role is to help drive the team forward. What you measure you can manage is to continually monitor and improve what the team does. In almost any environment, the needs and influences and pressures on the team change frequently.

Understanding and positively reacting to these changes in both the short and longer-term will help your team deliver its KPIs.

Urgent Actions needed from results example page

Perception Vs Reality

Things often change within a team. If scores are increasing, ask yourself if this is because of your interactions, those of the team or external factors.

Likewise, scores can decrease which may be an indicator that more focused is required in those areas or, that external factors have had a negative impact on the team.

Use the data and Actions to keep moving things forward.

Letters ROI on cubes

Return on Investment

It's always been a challenge within the coaching and L&D environment to prove the worth of your work. TeamLytica has work hard to overcome this and created resources that allow you and your client to measure progress over time.

Our Benchmark Report allows you to remeasure teams 3-6 months after the initial assessment. Every metric is compared allowing you to show progress, or otherwise, on the areas you have been focusing on and selling in your next phase of support.

Accredited Coaches

Only accredited coaches can use TeamLytica.

The training and support you get will ensure you have the right level of knowledge to be able to coach teams as well as individuals. Then our reporting platform gives you a strong structure, providing you with a foundation that you can build on with your own knowledge and experience.

Find out more about our solution:

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start ups


July 13, 20233 min read


Boosting teamwork and performance to drive growth and traction.

Startups face unique managerial challenges. Not only do leaders have to contend with a relative lack of structure, but they also need to know how to manage people who might not expect the firm to succeed.

Startups are, by their nature, risky endeavours. Until you have an established business, you don’t know whether your model will work.

Leading a startup is fraught with challenges. Often, startups attract talented people to work for them, but it can sometimes be difficult to align them with the company vision.

The workload at startups is also notoriously high. Managers need to have the skills to get people to work long hours, including weekends if necessary, without causing resentment or burnout. It’s a rare leadership skill but one that is often necessary.

TeamLytica is a powerful tool that startups can use to identify and resolve team management issues. The solution is based around the KITE survey, a 54-question quiz that gets at the heart of the management issues facing the team so that the CEO or their executives can resolve them. Employees at your startup provide confidential answers to the questions, and then the TeamLytica platform automatically generates a detailed 28-page report, offering actionable insights. You’re then free to browse these insights at your leisure and arrange changes in management practices to resolve issues.

TeamLytica provides a team summary, detailing your average performance over nine critical domains. These include leadership, delivery, trust, capability, energy, harmony, stakeholders, accountability and resilience.

Using KITE – K – Knowledge, I – Insights, T – Training, E – Empowerment. 

Take leadership, for instance. In the KITE survey, leadership is a measure of what people in your startup think of the quality of team leadership. You’ll learn about the degree to which they favour the motivation, style, approach and experience of the leaders in your organisation.

Resilience is another critical factor that startups must consider – or the ability to continue to deliver a high-quality product even when under pressure from clients. Teams that can continue to work cohesively in high-stress environments are often able to generate great results.

We aim to do things a little differently at TeamLytica – we’re here to help.

Startup bosses aren’t always the most experienced managers. Some, for instance, are first-time entrepreneurs with no management experience in other industries. TeamLytica, therefore, provides immediate support and recommendations for changes in management practices based on team feedback.

For startups with multiple teams, TeamLytica also provides powerful comparative tools. You’re able to identify factors that could explain why some teams perform better than others and gain valuable managerial insight. The dashboard allows you to compare survey results from various groups in your company, showing you the dimensions in which they excel and those in which they struggle.

Finally, TeamLytica provides essential tools that help you avoid losing talented employees, critical for the long-term success of your enterprise. The system allows you to import key performance indicators and correlate them with KITE measures of wellbeing. You can immediately discover high-performing but unhappy employees in your organisation, based on survey results.

Startup CEOs and managers need all the insights at their disposal to ensure that their teams function well. TeamLytica’s platform helps to build cohesion and trust in your emerging organisation.

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Tyrelle Mcleod-Bentley


Soccer Assist

The irony is not lost on us that we recruit and place the next generation of sports stars who all have to excel in teams. The Teamlytica platform has helped us get to a place where we're proud of our own team performances.


Anita Dev


TeamWork ADL

The team reports have really helped our team and given our senior leaders the knowledge we've needed to make effective changes to the way we work and manage.


Steve Chown

Entrepreneurial Innovation Manager

TeamLytica's software has been identified as a valuable tool to check the effectiveness of newly combined teams in the Bank. We are using it to review their progress as the staff become more integrated.


Tyrelle Mcleod-Bentley


Soccer Assist

The irony is not lost on us that we recruit and place the next generation of sports stars who all have to excel in teams. The Teamlytica platform has helped us get to a place where we're proud of our own team performances.


Anita Dev


TeamWork ADL

The team reports have really helped our team and given our senior leaders the knowledge we've needed to make effective changes to the way we work and manage.


Steve Chown

Entrepreneurial Innovation Manager

TeamLytica's software has been identified as a valuable tool to check the effectiveness of newly combined teams in the Bank. We are using it to review their progress as the staff become more integrated.