TeamLytica Copyright

Copyright Notice

Welcome to TeamLytica's Copyright Notice.

This page outlines the copyright protection and usage terms for all our proprietary assessments, including the free TeamLytica Report, the paid versions, the Team360 Assessment, and the benchmark assessments. These assessments are valuable tools designed to enhance teamwork, communication, and productivity. To maintain the integrity of our intellectual property and to ensure the best user experience, please read and abide by the following copyright guidelines:  

1.     Copyrighted Assessments:  

All assessments provided by TeamLytica, including the TeamLytica Report, the paid versions, the Team360 Assessment, and the benchmark assessments, are copyrighted works. These assessments are original and unique products developed by TeamLytica's experts, incorporating years of research and expertise in team dynamics and behavior.  

2.     Access Through TeamLytica Application and Portal:  

TeamLytica's assessments, including the TeamLytica Report, Team360 Assessment, and benchmark assessments, are accessible exclusively through our paid TeamLytica application and secure portal. The use and distribution of these assessments outside of the authorised TeamLytica platform are strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.  

3.     Free TeamLytica Report:  

The free TeamLytica Report, available through our platform, offers users valuable insights into their team roles and dynamics. While this report is complimentary, it remains subject to copyright protection. Users are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to view and use the free TeamLytica Report for personal and non-commercial purposes only.  

4.     Paid Versions:  

TeamLytica offers advanced paid versions of our assessments, providing more comprehensive analysis and tailored recommendations to improve team performance. These paid versions are protected by copyright and are accessible exclusively to users who have purchased the appropriate licenses through the TeamLytica application.  

5.     Team360 Assessment:

The Team360 Assessment is a powerful tool designed to gather feedback from team members to gain a holistic view of team dynamics. It is an essential copyrighted component of the TeamLytica platform and is available only through the paid application.  

6.     Benchmark Assessments:  

TeamLytica's benchmark assessments serve as valuable comparative tools to help teams gauge their performance against industry standards. These benchmark assessments are copyrighted materials accessible only through the paid TeamLytica application.  

7.     Unauthorised Use Prohibited:  

Reproduction, distribution, public display, modification, or creation of derivative works based on TeamLytica's copyrighted assessments without explicit authorization is strictly prohibited. Violation of our copyright terms may lead to legal action and potential liability for damages.  

8.     Respect for Intellectual Property:  

At TeamLytica, we value and respect intellectual property rights. We encourage users to use our assessments responsibly, as intended, and within the authorised framework provided by the TeamLytica application and portal.  

By using the TeamLytica platform and accessing our copyrighted assessments, you acknowledge and agree to comply with our copyright notice and terms of use. TeamLytica reserves the right to take appropriate action to protect its intellectual property and ensure the best user experience for all our valued customers. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our copyright notice or the use of TeamLytica's assessments, please contact our support team for assistance. Thank you for choosing TeamLytica to enhance your team's performance and collaboration!  

Accreditation Courses and Associated Learning Materials: In addition to our proprietary assessments, TeamLytica offers comprehensive accreditation courses that empower individuals and organisations to become certified practitioners in utilising our assessment tools effectively. These accreditation courses are meticulously designed by our expert trainers and subject matter specialists to provide in-depth knowledge, practical insights, and hands-on experience in applying the TeamLytica assessments.  

9.     Copyrighted Learning Materials:  

Our accreditation courses come with a range of valuable learning materials, including course guides, instructional videos, case studies, and interactive exercises. These learning materials are copyrighted and intended for use solely within the context of our accreditation programs. Unauthorised distribution, reproduction, or sharing of these materials outside the accredited training environment is strictly prohibited.  

10.  Exclusive Accreditation Portal:  

Participants enrolled in our accreditation courses gain access to an exclusive accreditation portal, where they can access and download the copyrighted learning materials. The accreditation portal is a secure platform that ensures the protection of our copyrighted content and provides a seamless learning experience for our accredited practitioners.  

11.  Enhancing Expertise:  

Our accreditation courses aim to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to interpret and apply assessment results effectively. We focus on enhancing their expertise in guiding teams and individuals toward better collaboration, communication, and overall performance. The copyrighted learning materials play a pivotal role in delivering comprehensive and up-to-date training.  

12.  Applying Accreditation Skills:  

Upon successful completion of the accreditation courses, participants become certified TeamLytica practitioners. They gain the ability to administer assessments, interpret results, and deliver valuable insights and feedback to teams and organizations. These newly acquired skills contribute to improved team dynamics and foster a culture of enhanced productivity and harmony.  

13.  Continued Support and Updates:  

TeamLytica is committed to the success of our accredited practitioners. As part of our ongoing support, we provide access to updated learning materials and resources to ensure practitioners stay informed about the latest developments and enhancements in the TeamLytica assessment tools and methodologies.  

14.  Respecting Copyright and Intellectual Property:  

TeamLytica takes intellectual property rights seriously, and we expect all accredited practitioners to uphold the same level of respect for our copyrighted materials. Practitioners are required to adhere to copyright guidelines and refrain from sharing or reproducing copyrighted content beyond the scope of their accreditation.  

At TeamLytica, we believe that empowering professionals with the right knowledge and tools is crucial to fostering effective teamwork and achieving organisational success. Our accreditation courses and copyrighted learning materials are a testament to our commitment to excellence and innovation in the field of team dynamics and collaboration.  

For more information about our accreditation courses and associated learning materials, please reach out to our dedicated support team. We look forward to supporting your journey in becoming a certified TeamLytica practitioner and driving positive change within your teams and organizations.  

Accredited Coaches

Only accredited coaches can use TeamLytica.

The training and support you get will ensure you have the right level of knowledge to be able to coach teams as well as individuals. Then our reporting platform gives you a strong structure, providing you with a foundation that you can build on with your own knowledge and experience.

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News & Blogs



July 13, 20233 min read


Boosting teamwork and performance when managing technical staff is rarely easy.

Technology companies face unique management and team-building issues. The fast-paced nature of the industry and the focus on exponential growth requires a special kind of team.

Managers in the sector can often struggle to meet tight deadlines or keep pace with the technical details of the projects that they oversee. Effective communication is, therefore, vital.

TeamLytica is a robust platform that managers in the technology sector can use to uncover insights about their teams and improve management practices.

Because of the specialist nature of work in the technology sector, companies rely on interdependent experts to push their operations forward, develop new technologies and bring them to market. Without a team that functions well, technology enterprises can find themselves losing competitiveness rapidly.

TeamLytica’s solution starts with a confidential survey. Colleagues in your organisation answer 54 questions ranging across nine management-relevant domains. The system then compiles a 28-page report, scoring various aspects of team and management performance. At the end, you get a range of actionable steps that you can take to improve your business units, based on the results of the survey.

Using KITE – K – Knowledge, I – Insights, T – Training, E – Empowerment.

The Team Summary provides a high-level overview of team performance across the nine elements the KITE survey measures: leadership, delivery, trust, capability, energy, harmony, stakeholders, accountability, and resilience. This summary lets you see how a team is performing before drilling down into the numbers and getting actionable insights.

We aim to do things a little differently at TeamLytica – we’re here to help.

The most common issue for managers in technology companies is communication: the ability for teams to disseminate information to relevant people to deliver the best possible solutions to market. TeamLytica provides a measure of how well people are talking to each other, captured by the harmony statistic.

The next most common problem is that of shifting goalposts or constant change. Not only must the technology sector deal with all the usual economic and political shocks that rock organisations, but also the technical ones too. Transformation changes in technological approaches are par for the course in today’s disruptive environment. TeamLytica, therefore, provides managers with insights on how well their teams are dealing with these changes over time and the steps that they can take to improve their outlook.

Managers need carefully crafted approaches that help them make the best possible use of people in their organisations. TeamLytica provides technology companies with a range of powerful tools that help with just that.

Suppose, for instance, you have several high-value, difficult-to-replace colleagues on your team. One of your management priorities is to ensure that these workers remain happy. The TeamLytica platform lets you combine employee performance metrics with survey data to create charts that plot performance against satisfaction. Managers can use this tool to identify colleagues who perform well but also at risk of leaving the organisation because they’re unhappy with some aspect of the workplace.

Finally, the TeamLytica platform also lets you disaggregate performance domains by business unit. This tool is helpful for organisations with multiple teams who want to transplant the best practices from high-performance teams to those that do not do as well.

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