Team Report

The Team Report delivers immediate insights to help you unleash the power of your team. This is the basis for all TeamLytica interventions.

Team Reports

Immediate insights to help you unleash the power of your team.

The basis for all TeamLytica interventions.

What is a Team Report?

On the team by the team - A simple, effective and powerful tool to help you, help your client teams improve their performance.

Built by managers, for managers, Complements psychometrics - adding a new tool to your tool box that's practical, pragmatic and action-focused.

Designed to deliver ROI - build longer-term client relationships by offering re-tests to demonstrate measurable improvements.

Built different - adding USPs to your coaching or training business that sets you apart from your peers.

TeamLytica report image

What is a Team Report?

TeamLytica report image

On the team by the team - A simple, effective and powerful tool to help you, help your client teams improve their performance.

Built by managers, for managers, Complements psychometrics - adding a new tool to your tool box that's practical, pragmatic and action-focused.

Designed to deliver ROI - build longer-term client relationships by offering re-tests to demonstrate measurable improvements.

Built different - adding USPs to your coaching or training business that sets you apart from your peers.

Immediate Actionable Data and Insights

Immediate Actionable Data and Insights

A complete set of data and commentary allowing you to understand and get the very best from your team

blue and white box with letters TL and ci in them

Cohesion Index

Clever algorithms generate an overall score for the team of it's operational 'health'.

Blue and white boxes with the letters TL and si in them

Stress Indicator

A powerful and unique metric that correlates team wellbeing and productivity.

Blue and white box with the letters TL and mi in them

Morale Indicator

An indication of team morale that will help guide your support and development.

logo of piece of paper and pencil

Category and Questions Scores

All scored and colour-coded Green, Amber and Red for ease of use and comparisons.

logo with circle and two arrows inside

Disparity Reports

Learn the detail behind the scores to help build team cohesion.

logo of a megaphone

Open Text


Direct from the team - positives, weaknesses and suggestions to improve.

Graphic of the add your team members dashboard

Simple and Easy Setup

On the team by the team - 54 questions that every team member completes on how the team works and functions together.

The system is automated and is simple to set up and manage.

It takes about twenty minutes to complete and all responses are completely confidential. There are NO individuals within the report.

The report is accessed through an interactive dashboard which also generates a 28 page pdf report on the team.

Powerful Dashboards

Your TeamLytica dashboard has everything you need within just a few clicks. It's accessible by you, the coach, and the team manager.

It's simple to navigate and find the details you need to help the team improve. Every metric is clearly laid out and easily understood so as to make action-planning as simply as possible.

We always recommending sharing the dashboard with the whole team as it's their scoring and comments that power the outputs. By sharing you will encourage transparency and ownership of the challenges and pathways ahead.

Graphic of Your Team Dashboard
Graphic of a team score

Unique Metrics

TeamLytica is all about measuring team behaviours and performance. Your interventions, through coaching, observations, nudging and training can move the performance dial.

Purposely Different - built on practicalities and real-world experience rather than a more academic approach.

Bringing the team along - aligning goals, behaviours and actions to increase team outputs - it's their data.


Keep It Simple, Stupid.

The User Experience, from team member, manager or associate is simple, clean and easy to navigate.

It's quick and fun to complete - accessible to every employee level.

We don't ask questions in multiple different ways to try and validate responses - every question has a purpose and approach.

Results are easily understood, with Red, Amber, Green scoring so everyone in the team can visually see how the team works together.

Graphic of a question with the answer on a 1-10 scale

Team Stress Scores

Selected scores are extracted and compiled to form the Team Stress Curve. This will give you a strong indication of how stressed the team feels. The chart goes from Apathy on the far left to burnout on the far right.

All teams need some stress in the work they carry out. The optimum performance is found in the middle of the curve where a good balance is met.

Smiley face icon

Immediately Useful

'Within 20 minutes of introducing the team to TeamLytica, we were making positive changes to how we operated'.

TeamLytica will tell you what's working well, and what's not - all generated by the people who know best - the team members.

The RAG scores will guide actions and your support to which areas the team needs to focus on to move the performance dial.

Focused actions will demonstrate to the team that their feedback counts and progress can be made.

Longer-Term Support

Build longer-term client relationships with tools that will help you go deeper, wider and further in supporting teams and managers.

Measure everything - presented back via the dashboard

Create and Prioritise actions - Build a plan -RAG scores and KPIs

Implement - weave your magic - train and coach coach

Re-assess - Benchmark report to measure progress and prove ROI

Flow chart with the word Improve surrounded by Act, Plan, Try, Review

Team Morale

A team that enjoys good morale is almost always more productive than those that don’t.

We provide a visual indication of the morale within your team to give you a good steer on where work needs to done or otherwise to boost team performance.

Coffee cup, pen keyboard and note saying Your Opinion Matters!

Anecdotal Feedback

Metrics and scores are one thing but, you can't beat actionable feedback. We ask the team three simple questions so as to share their thoughts - it usually provides a goldmine of content for you.

What's working well? - If it's working and the team like it, let's encourage them to do more.

What needs to improve? - the team knows where improvements can be made. Act upon these gems to move the performance dial.

Three quick wins? - Acting upon feedback and suggestions will align and motivate the team and deliver huge dividends.

Disparity Scores

The report is only based on team scores and an individual and their marks can never be identified. However, what we do include for the manager and their team is how each score is made up. We show a visual representation of how the final score was achieved.

The graph beneath each score will reveal how many of each score was given. For example, it might show 2 x threes, a four, 3 fives, 4 sevens and 2 eights.

Weave Your Magic

A TeamLytica report will give you heaps of information - both score based and anecdotal - to help move the team forward. However, we don't prescribe how you should approach this as every team is different.

We want you weave your own magic by utilising all those years of experience, expertise and knowledge you've built up to help the team. That's the fun part - we're here to help if you need some guidance but, you'll usually know what to do.

White rabbit in a black hat
Graphic of the add your team members dashboard

Simple and Easy Setup

On the team by the team - 54 questions that every team member completes on how the team works and functions together.

The system is automated and is simple to set up and manage.

It takes about twenty minutes to complete and all responses are completely confidential. There are NO individuals within the report.

The report is accessed through an interactive dashboard which also generates a 28 page pdf report on the team.

Graphic of Your Team Dashboard

Powerful Dashboards

Your TeamLytica dashboard has everything you need within just a few clicks. It's accessible by you, the coach, and the team manager.

It's simple to navigate and find the details you need to help the team improve. Every metric is clearly laid out and easily understood so as to make action-planning as simply as possible.

We always recommending sharing the dashboard with the whole team as it's their scoring and comments that power the outputs. By sharing you will encourage transparency and ownership of the challenges and pathways ahead.

Powerful Dashboards

Manage your priorities – whether you manage a single team, an area, region or entire company, our powerful dashboards and data filters allow you to understand your teams strengths, how stressed they feel and their overall morale. Drill in further to category summaries and individual question scores – all colour-coded for ease of use.

Graphic of a team score

Unique Metrics

TeamLytica is all about measuring team behaviours and performance. Your interventions, through coaching, observations, nudging and training can move the performance dial.

Purposely Different - built on practicalities and real-world experience rather than a more academic approach.

Bringing the team along - aligning goals, behaviours and actions to increase team outputs - it's their data.

Graphic of a question with the answer on a 1-10 scale

K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple, Stupid.

The User Experience, from team member, manager or associate is simple, clean and easy to navigate.

It's quick and fun to complete - accessible to every employee level.

We don't ask questions in multiple different ways to try and validate responses - every question has a purpose and approach.

Results are easily understood, with Red, Amber, Green scoring so everyone in the team can visually see how the team works together.

Team Stress Scores

Selected scores are extracted and compiled to form the Team Stress Curve. This will give you a strong indication of how stressed the team feels. The chart goes from Apathy on the far left to burnout on the far right.

All teams need some stress in the work they carry out. The optimum performance is found in the middle of the curve where a good balance is met.

Smiley face icon

Immediately Useful

'Within 20 minutes of introducing the team to TeamLytica, we were making positive changes to how we operated'.

TeamLytica will tell you what's working well, and what's not - all generated by the people who know best - the team members.

The RAG scores will guide actions and your support to which areas the team needs to focus on to move the performance dial.

Focused actions will demonstrate to the team that their feedback counts and progress can be made.

Flow chart with the word Improve surrounded by Act, Plan, Try, Review

Longer-Term Support

Build longer-term client relationships with tools that will help you go deeper, wider and further in supporting teams and managers.

Measure everything - presented back via the dashboard

Create and Prioritise actions - Build a plan -RAG scores and KPIs

Implement - weave your magic - train and coach coach

Re-assess - Benchmark report to measure progress and prove ROI

Team Morale

A team that enjoys good morale is almost always more productive than those that don’t.

We provide a visual indication of the morale within your team to give you a good steer on where work needs to done or otherwise to boost team performance.

Coffee cup, pen keyboard and note saying Your Opinion Matters!

Anecdotal Feedback

Metrics and scores are one thing but, you can't beat actionable feedback. We ask the team three simple questions so as to share their thoughts - it usually provides a goldmine of content for you.

What's working well? - If it's working and the team like it, let's encourage them to do more.

What needs to improve? - the team knows where improvements can be made. Act upon these gems to move the performance dial.

Three quick wins? - Acting upon feedback and suggestions will align and motivate the team and deliver huge dividends.

Disparity Scores

The report is only based on team scores and an individual and their marks can never be identified. However, what we do include for the manager and their team is how each score is made up. We show a visual representation of how the final score was achieved.

The graph beneath each score will reveal how many of each score was given. For example, it might show 2 x threes, a four, 3 fives, 4 sevens and 2 eights.

White rabbit in a black hat

Weave Your Magic

A TeamLytica report will give you heaps of information - both score based and anecdotal - to help move the team forward. However, we don't prescribe how you should approach this as every team is different.

We want you weave your own magic by utilising all those years of experience, expertise and knowledge you've built up to help the team. That's the fun part - we're here to help if you need some guidance but, you'll usually know what to do.


Tyrelle Mcleod-Bentley


Soccer Assist

The irony is not lost on us that we recruit and place the next generation of sports stars who all have to excel in teams. The Teamlytica platform has helped us get to a place where we're proud of our own team performances.


Anita Dev


TeamWork ADL

The team reports have really helped our team and given our senior leaders the knowledge we've needed to make effective changes to the way we work and manage.


Steve Chown

Entrepreneurial Innovation Manager

TeamLytica's software has been identified as a valuable tool to check the effectiveness of newly combined teams in the Bank. We are using it to review their progress as the staff becomes more integrated.


Tyrelle Mcleod-Bentley


Soccer Assist

The irony is not lost on us that we recruit and place the next generation of sports stars who all have to excel in teams. The Teamlytica platform has helped us get to a place where we're proud of our own team performances.


Anita Dev


TeamWork ADL

The team reports have really helped our team and given our senior leaders the knowledge we've needed to make effective changes to the way we work and manage.


Steve Chown

Entrepreneurial Innovation Manager

TeamLytica's software has been identified as a valuable tool to check the effectiveness of newly combined teams in the Bank. We are using it to review their progress as the staff becomes more integrated.

Accredited Coaches

Only accredited coaches can use TeamLytica.

The training and support you get will ensure you have the right level of knowledge to be able to coach teams as well as individuals. Then our reporting platform gives you a strong structure, providing you with a foundation that you can build on with your own knowledge and experience.

Find out more about our solution:

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Non-Profit & Charity

Non-Profit & Charity

July 13, 20233 min read

Non-Profit & Charity

Managing volunteers can often be challenging as their motivation might not be aligned to the team or organisation.

The challenges facing charities and non-profits are extreme. Figures indicate that there are more than 185,000 charities in the UK, with an additional 5,000 added every year. Managers and their teams, therefore, must find money to sustain their operations, even in the presence of increased competition.

Non-profits and charities need to diversify their revenue streams, adjust to new regulations, and find ways to plug skills gaps. Organisations will only achieve those goals, however, if they have competent, functional teams.

Here’s where TeamLytica can help. It’s a bespoke platform designed to root out team and management issues that might plague your charity or non-profit and provide actionable solutions enabling you to rectify the problem.

Using KITE – K – Knowledge, I – Insights, T – Training, E – Empowerment. 

The way that the platform works is simple. Employees in your organisation complete the TeamLytica’s KITE survey – a series of 54 questions covering nine critical team and management domains. The platform then compiles the data to generate a 28-page report on the performance of your team and steps managers can take to improve the situation.

The questionnaire is entirely confidential, so you get honest feedback. What’s more, it covers all the critical issues that are important for a capable, functional team, including leadership, trust, resilience, harmony and the ability to serve stakeholders.

Non-profit and charity organisations can sometimes struggle to incentivise quality work. It’s incumbent on leaders, therefore, to align employees with the goals of the organisation and ensure that they get the best possible performance from them. The Team Summary section of the report provides critical insights into each of the factors that determine the health of your team, providing an average score overview, as well as comments for what might be going wrong.

The report also contains a series of action plans based on the results. Thus, you get insights for how to best approach the various factors that might be holding you back.

We aim to do things a little differently at TeamLytica – we’re here to help.

Research from NCVO reveals that the public wants more data on how charities are run. Reports from TeamLytica help you find out whether the teams in your organisation are finding effective ways to deal with the external pressures that they face from the public, donors and other stakeholders.

Many charities comprise multiple teams, focused on a variety of different projects. As any experienced non-profit or charity manager knows, some units can be vastly more effective than others. TeamLytica’s platform provides a host of tools that you can use to root out problems in specific teams and correct them. The comparison panel lets you compare units that might be failing with those that are not, based on their feedback in the KITE survey. You can quickly identify pressing management issues and make changes based on real data.

When non-profits and charities have effective teams, they’re able to deliver powerful, world-changing results and attract more funding. The more management insights you can glean about people in your organisation, the more efficiently they’ll be able to deliver projects in the field. With TeamLytica’s actionable insights, you can take steps today to build a more robust team of people.

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