Privacy Policy

TeamLytica has created this privacy policy in order to demonstrate the firm’s strong commitment to privacy and data security. The following discloses the information use, disclosure, and security practices for TeamLytica’s Web Sites.

Information collected by us:

We hold data for two distinct purposes. Firstly, with consent, we hold data for those who wish to receive marketing communications from us. Secondly, we hold data for those who use our online web application to administrate and/or complete TeamLytica questionnaires, produce TeamLytica reports, and access the TeamLytica dashboard.

We will use and process your personal information, where you have requested us to do so, for the following purposes:

to register you as a user of our Site;

to provide you with online testing inventory services as requested by you;

to comply with a request from you in connection with the exercise of your rights (for example where you have asked us not to contact you for marketing purposes, we will keep a record of this on our suppression lists in order to be able to comply with your request);

to manage queries, complaints, or claims.

Personal information about you which is collected by us in the course of your visit to this Site is kept confidential. Information required for the production of TeamLytica reports is collected via the TeamLytica web application and stored on our secure servers. Information gathered via for marketing purposes is also held on servers.

What information do we collect from you, and why?

If you expressly consent to receive marketing communications from us, we will collect and store your forename, surname, e-mail address, and country, to enable us to direct you to the appropriate TeamLytica representative. We will use your details to send you information about TeamLytica news, products, and services that may be of interest to you.

If you are completing a TeamLytica questionnaire, we will collect and store:

Your forename and surname – in order to populate your email invite;

Your e-mail address – to send reminders to complete parts of the questionnaire, confirm receipt of responses, and/or send copies of the report when compiled, if applicable;

Responses to the TeamLytica questionnaire itself – to calculate and compile a TeamLytica report.

We may additionally collect your organisation, department, and location to assist in the collation of TeamLytica reports.

TeamLytica acts in two different capacities – as a data controller when processing customer data, and as a data processor in relation to the processing of individuals’ data for the purposes of compiling reports on behalf of our customers.

Who might we share your information with?

Your data may be accessed by TeamLytica employees and by your TeamLytica account holder(s) who will be identified in the introductory screens prior to the completion of your assessment. Your data is also accessible to our service providers and contractors who have signed confidentiality agreements with us and will be anonymised when used for research purposes. As part of our research, we may also share collated, anonymised data publicly. If you’re completing a questionnaire about someone else and that person asks to view their data, your privacy will be protected.

What do we do with your information?

We use your responses to the TeamLytica questionnaire to calculate an overall TeamLytica index for your team to compile a report analysing these findings. Your data will be held in our secure database where it can only be accessed by a TeamLytica employee or their agents. All individual data responses are combined and reported only at the team level and above – no one can be identified once their data is in the system. TeamLytica is not responsible for the use of data by our account holders. We may use your information anonymously (and in conjunction with other data in our database) to look at general data trends in relation to business team roles and performance.


Our Web Sites have security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, accidental or unlawful destruction, or unauthorised access of the information under our control. All pages that contain customer information are password-protected. Some customer information can be viewed online if a valid account name and password are entered. Customer information and password resets can only be sent to the e‐mail address registered for the user.

Our legal basis for processing data

When you provide us with your details for marketing purposes, you are asked expressly to consent to us processing and storing your personal data in line with this policy. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time in accordance with this policy.

When you provide us with your details as part of the completion of a TeamLytica questionnaire, this information is processed and stored on the basis of legitimate interest. This means that the data is required by TeamLytica to fulfill the contract with you or your organisation to produce and issue a TeamLytica report to you. You may request that your data be deleted.

Please see our data deletion policy ( for more information on removing your data from our servers. If we make changes to this policy, we will post those changes on this Web Site and notify customers via e-mail where possible.

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this Web Site, or your dealings with this Web Site, please e-mail:

When completing questionnaires or administering the TeamLytica web application, you will be given the opportunity to consent to be contacted for marketing purposes in addition to receiving contact regarding the status of your questionnaire and report. However, data is held separately, with each purpose clearly defined.

How long do we keep hold of your information?

There is currently no limit to how long data may be held. It is up to the customer, as data controller, to ensure that data is not held longer than necessary for the purposes for which it is intended. You can request for your data to be anonymised or deleted from TeamLytica’s databases at any time. Please see our data deletion policy for more information ( TeamLytica is not responsible for copies of reports downloaded by your account holder or others permitted access to your data by an account holder.

How can you access the information held about you?

If you purchased your own report, you can request a copy of this to be sent to you by e-mail at any time. If your organisation purchased the report on your behalf, your account holder will usually provide the report for a particular purpose, e.g. at a course or event. Please contact your account holder in the first instance. If your account holder does not respond, please refer to our Subject Access Request policy for more information: request-policy.pdf.


We are committed to responsible data management. Data relating to identifiable individuals is only obtained, stored, processed, and accessed:

For defined and justifiable purposes;

Securely and confidentially;

Respecting individuals’ rights of review and objection.

Unless required or permitted by law, personal data concerning race, politics, religion, health, or sexuality are not processed without express consent.

We value your trust in us.

Accredited Coaches

Only accredited coaches can use TeamLytica.

The training and support you get will ensure you have the right level of knowledge to be able to coach teams as well as individuals. Then our reporting platform gives you a strong structure, providing you with a foundation that you can build on with your own knowledge and experience.

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July 13, 20233 min read


Boosting teamwork and performance when managing technical staff is rarely easy.

Technology companies face unique management and team-building issues. The fast-paced nature of the industry and the focus on exponential growth requires a special kind of team.

Managers in the sector can often struggle to meet tight deadlines or keep pace with the technical details of the projects that they oversee. Effective communication is, therefore, vital.

TeamLytica is a robust platform that managers in the technology sector can use to uncover insights about their teams and improve management practices.

Because of the specialist nature of work in the technology sector, companies rely on interdependent experts to push their operations forward, develop new technologies and bring them to market. Without a team that functions well, technology enterprises can find themselves losing competitiveness rapidly.

TeamLytica’s solution starts with a confidential survey. Colleagues in your organisation answer 54 questions ranging across nine management-relevant domains. The system then compiles a 28-page report, scoring various aspects of team and management performance. At the end, you get a range of actionable steps that you can take to improve your business units, based on the results of the survey.

Using KITE – K – Knowledge, I – Insights, T – Training, E – Empowerment.

The Team Summary provides a high-level overview of team performance across the nine elements the KITE survey measures: leadership, delivery, trust, capability, energy, harmony, stakeholders, accountability, and resilience. This summary lets you see how a team is performing before drilling down into the numbers and getting actionable insights.

We aim to do things a little differently at TeamLytica – we’re here to help.

The most common issue for managers in technology companies is communication: the ability for teams to disseminate information to relevant people to deliver the best possible solutions to market. TeamLytica provides a measure of how well people are talking to each other, captured by the harmony statistic.

The next most common problem is that of shifting goalposts or constant change. Not only must the technology sector deal with all the usual economic and political shocks that rock organisations, but also the technical ones too. Transformation changes in technological approaches are par for the course in today’s disruptive environment. TeamLytica, therefore, provides managers with insights on how well their teams are dealing with these changes over time and the steps that they can take to improve their outlook.

Managers need carefully crafted approaches that help them make the best possible use of people in their organisations. TeamLytica provides technology companies with a range of powerful tools that help with just that.

Suppose, for instance, you have several high-value, difficult-to-replace colleagues on your team. One of your management priorities is to ensure that these workers remain happy. The TeamLytica platform lets you combine employee performance metrics with survey data to create charts that plot performance against satisfaction. Managers can use this tool to identify colleagues who perform well but also at risk of leaving the organisation because they’re unhappy with some aspect of the workplace.

Finally, the TeamLytica platform also lets you disaggregate performance domains by business unit. This tool is helpful for organisations with multiple teams who want to transplant the best practices from high-performance teams to those that do not do as well.

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