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Click on a Sector below to learn more about how each sector could utilise TeamLytica



& Retail

Understand how to get the best from transient teams


Manufacturing & Industrial

Hands on teams needing support and development

professional services



High engagement teams that tend to work in silos



& Health Services

Highly pressured teams doing more with less


Fast growing teams and all their associated challenges



Measuring and improving agile process and teams

non profit

Non-Profit & Charity

Rewarding but challenging jobs for teams wanting more

public sector

Public Sector

Teams challenged to do more with fewer resources

Transient staffing and a tough working environment puts pressure on managers to perform.

Inspiring worker productivity, timeliness and commitment to brand goals is perhaps the biggest issue that managers in the hospitality and retail sector face. Unfortunately, most firms are not using management insight tools to identify and solve problems in their teams.

TeamLytica is a platform that managers can use to uncover critical issues affecting their team performance, taking the guesswork out of management practices with real data.

Many managers in the hospitality and retail business can’t understand why some stores perform exceptionally well, while others routinely lag. Gaining powerful insights through casual observation is a challenge.

TeamLytica resolves these issues. It provides a platform that hospitality and retail managers can use to uncover the problems that might be causing these performance differentials and put in place robust strategies to correct them.

K – Knowledge, I – Insights, T – Training, E – Empowerment.

At the heart of the TeamLytica approach is a comprehensive, confidential questionnaire containing 54 questions across nine key categories. The answers that your colleagues provide in the survey automatically generate a detailed 28-page report containing actionable insights that you can use to improve performance.

The automatic, self-serve report can combine with your KPIs and place people in your organisation into several categories: high-performing and happy workers, high-performing but unhappy workers, low-performing happy workers, and low-performing unhappy workers. You can then adjust your management techniques depending on the status of various members of your team. Interventions for high-performing unhappy employees, for instance, will be different from those for low-performing but happy employees.

Managers in the retail and hospitality environment face an abundance of team-related issues that can compromise performance. Common problems include communicating brand values to staff, ensuring consistent commitment to performance goals, and making the right use of reinforcement techniques. With individual and team-level insights, you can find out whether people in your organisation trust management, believe that they have good leadership, or feel resilience as a group when things get tough.

For managers who work as part of large retail or hospitality companies with multiple teams, TeamLytica offers team-level analysis to compare performance between locations.

Hospitality & Retail

We aim to do things a little differently at TeamLytica – we’re here to help.

Retail managers, especially those at the regional or national level, can puzzle over why some stores performance better than others. While geography plays a role, so too does the performance of the team. Some stores operate cohesive teams that offer a high level of customer service and product availability while reducing shrinkage and waste. Low-performing teams are often the opposite.

TeamLytica gives you the ability to assess differences in management-related questions across stores to identify issues.

While the tool is an effective way to evaluate teams, it’s also an excellent way for retailers, restauranteurs, hotels and other customer-facing businesses to measure the success of management. Team-level scoring provides vital insights that can help senior management identify leadership issues across locations at a glance, based on questionnaire feedback.

Finally, managers in the retail and hospitality sector can get actionable insights, based on the findings of the report, based on industry best practices. The platform bases all suggestions on data collected through the survey.

Is it time your team completed a TeamLytica questionnaire?

Manufacturing & Industrial

We aim to do things a little differently at TeamLytica – we’re here to help.

Team Lytica’s platform provides industry-specific insights across a range of critical team-related factors, using data derived from employee questionnaires. It shows you things like the perceived quality of leadership in a team, the level of trust, the team’s ability to deliver, accountability, resilience when things get tough, and the quality of internal team relationships. If you have multiple locations, you’re then able to compare these factors across facilities, providing senior managers with immediate, high-level insights regarding the performance of teams on the ground.

The evaluation platform is entirely confidential, meaning that individual team members in your organisation can feel safe giving honest opinions about the current state of your teams.

For manufacturing and industrial firms, individual employee KPI data is a valuable asset that helps managers intervene in cases of underperformance. TeamLytica lets you correlate key performance metrics with data derived from the survey questionnaire to build detailed management charts, compartmentalising workers by performance. These correlations provide critical insights into management priorities.

Managing teams at manufacturing and industrial firms is fraught with challenges. TeamLytica’s platform, however, provides key insights that enable you to resolve team and leadership problems unique to the sector.

Getting the best from your teams in factories and workshops

Worker productivity and team cohesiveness are both essential in the manufacturing and industrial sectors. Companies need groups of employees who can work together effectively to keep operating expenses down and output per hour high.

Few companies in the industry, however, make use of management insights to identify issues within teams and resolve them. This failure to act leads to reductions in performance, compliance issues, and a loss of competitiveness.

TeamLytica is a management evaluation tool that assists managers in evaluating team performance in the manufacturing and industrial environment. It provides granular insights into team and management performance, allowing you to see which teams are doing well, and which need improvement.

K – Knowledge, I – Insights, T – Training, E – Empowerment.

TeamLytica’s platform for manufacturers and industrial companies is based on the KITE survey, which stands for knowledge, insight, training and empowerment. The purpose of the confidential questionnaire is to allow team members to give management feedback on various factors related to team performance. The platform then combines this information to automatically generate a report, packed with insights and actions that you can take to improve outcomes.

Manufacturing and industrial companies often face specific management issues. One of the biggest problems is worker relations: providing working conditions and management structures that enhance worker well-being and overall performance. Traditional leadership approaches may have proven effective in the past, but with dramatic shifts in how the industry operates, they’re no longer appropriate for today’s workers.

Shifts in technology are another significant concern. Changes in organisational structure and skills required on the ground mean that teams have to be flexible and adapt. Again, without the right management approaches, these adaptations will not take place, leading to worker dissatisfaction.

Management issues can also explain differences in performance between locations. Leadership at one industrial facility, for instance, might be much better quality than another, resulting in lower absenteeism, higher turnover and greater employee retention.

Building better teams to deliver enhanced client projects and drive productivity and performance.

Professional service provision is becoming increasingly complex. Gone are the days where individual employees worked on client projects. The emphasis now is on bringing all of the skills of the team to bear on client issues.

Creating effective teams is, therefore, a top priority for firms operating in the professional services industry. They need leaders and managers who understand how to bring people together to deliver transformational change for their clients. Unhappy teams provide poor results and can lead to client dissatisfaction, reducing competitiveness and, ultimately, the viability of the enterprise.

K – Knowledge, I – Insights, T – Training, E – Empowerment.

TeamLytrica is a tool that managers in the professional services industry can use to identify problems in their teams and get actionable solutions. The KITE questionnaire, which stands for knowledge, insights, training and empowerment, is a confidential survey containing 54 questions across nine categories for team members. The platform then takes the responses of the team and uses them to generate a report that allows managers to quickly identify issues and put in place measures to solve them.

Management issues in the professional services environment are notoriously complex. Teams are often highly interdependent, relying ad hoc on the skills of others, as and when the situation warrants it. Managers, therefore, need to focus less on process and more on interpersonal relations than in practically any other line of business.

We aim to do things a little differently at TeamLytica – we’re here to help.

TeamLytica is a powerful tool that you can use to resolve interpersonal conflict and identify the roots of any problems in your team. The service includes a measure of trust, telling you how much your colleagues trust you and feel confident that you mean what you say. It also gives you a test of harmony – an indication of how happy team members are working with each other and management. If scores are low, the platform provides immediately actionable insights, allowing you to see where you’ve gone wrong and how you can improve.

Professional Services

Managers in the professional services industry face a range of unique challenges. First and foremost is the need to motivate teams to work together and support each other, even when things get tough. TeamLytica provides a detailed overview of resilience among your employees, showing you visually how well they’re coping with the demands placed on them by clients and the organisation.

Managers also face challenges in establishing group goals. Career-orientated personalities in the team might be tempted to act in their strategic interest instead of that of the group. TeamLytica provides detailed insights that help managers adopt leadership practices that bypass these temptations to build single-minded teams, focused on results that benefit the entire organisation.

For managers who oversee multiple locations, such as partners at a law firm, TeamLytica also offers tools that compare results from various sites. You’re able to drill down into the data to find out why some teams in your organisation are healthy and functional, while others aren’t. You can even import key performance indicators and correlate them with the results of the survey to generate more granular insights for management.

Use TeamLytica today to find out more about what makes teams effective in your organisation.

NHS & Health Services

We aim to do things a little differently at TeamLytica – we’re here to help.

Some NHS teams work much more effectively than others, but the reasons can remain invisible to managers. TeamLytica’s powerful analytics platform provides vital insights into why this might be the case by comparing the results of one team’s KITE survey to that of another. Both, for instance, might score equally well on several of the domains, but the underperforming team might lag in specific areas. Managers can use these insights to take actionable steps to improve team performance.

Managers in the NHS are under enormous pressure to make better use of taxpayer resources and deliver a high quality of care. Part of the solution to the current funding environment is to build better teams. The more cohesive your operation, the better you can serve patients, and the higher the quality of the overall service.

With TeamLytica, you can get immediate insights into why your teams might not be performing as they should. With more than nine domains of interest, you’re bound to find where the problem lies.

Understanding how to get the very best from teams within the NHS and healthcare sector.

The NHS is the largest employer in the UK and faces several unique team and management issues.

NHS spending has increased over recent years, but many people argue that it has not kept pace with need. Management, therefore, has had to find ways to economise, making better use of fewer resources.

The NHS faces several critical issues; primarily incentives and accountability. The financial structure of the organisation often means that it can be challenging to bring teams together to achieve shared goals. Managers, therefore, need robust tools at their disposal to deliver effective health teams, centred on patient care.

TeamLytica is a platform that NHS managers can use to discover why some teams appear to have high performance than others. It also identifies problems and offers actionable managerial insights to resolve them.

Using KITE – K – Knowledge, I – Insights, T – Training, E – Empowerment.

The way that the platform works is simple. Workers receive the KITE – knowledge, insight, training and empowerment – questionnaire and answer 54 questions covering various aspects of team performance. The TeamLytica platform then collates the data generated to produce a 28-page report, detailing the responses of the questionnaire and critical insights for management. Managers can then use this information combined with intelligent insights to boost the performance of their team.

Every report comes with a team summary: a high-level overview of the performance of your teams and management over nine critical domains: leadership, delivery, trust, capability, energy, harmony, stakeholders, accountability and resilience.

In the NHS, delivering on each of these domains is essential for ensuring a functional team that serves patients interests. Trust is crucial in the health setting, for instance. Workers need to feel confident about approaching managers with issues, especially those relating to patient wellbeing.

Resilience is important too. Managers need to be able to craft teams that can withstand budget pressures and still deliver a high level of patient care.

TeamLytica’s metrics provide you with insight into how well your organisation is dealing with these pressures and the degree to which members are relying on others to bear the load.


Boosting teamwork and performance to drive growth and traction.

Startups face unique managerial challenges. Not only do leaders have to contend with a relative lack of structure, but they also need to know how to manage people who might not expect the firm to succeed.

Startups are, by their nature, risky endeavours. Until you have an established business, you don’t know whether your model will work.

Leading a startup is fraught with challenges. Often, startups attract talented people to work for them, but it can sometimes be difficult to align them with the company vision.

The workload at startups is also notoriously high. Managers need to have the skills to get people to work long hours, including weekends if necessary, without causing resentment or burnout. It’s a rare leadership skill but one that is often necessary.

TeamLytica is a powerful tool that startups can use to identify and resolve team management issues. The solution is based on the KITE survey, a 54-question quiz that gets at the heart of the management issues facing the team so that the CEO or their executives can resolve them. Employees at your startup provide confidential answers to the questions, and then the TeamLytica platform automatically generates a detailed 28-page report, offering actionable insights. You’re then free to browse these insights at your leisure and arrange changes in management practices to resolve issues.

TeamLytica provides a team summary, detailing your average performance over nine critical domains. These include leadership, delivery, trust, capability, energy, harmony, stakeholders, accountability and resilience.

Using KITE – K – Knowledge, I – Insights, T – Training, E – Empowerment.

Take leadership, for instance. In the KITE survey, leadership is a measure of what people in your startup think of the quality of team leadership. You’ll learn about the degree to which they favour the motivation, style, approach and experience of the leaders in your organisation.

Resilience is another critical factor that startups must consider – or the ability to continue to deliver a high-quality product even when under pressure from clients. Teams that can continue to work cohesively in high-stress environments are often able to generate great results.

We aim to do things a little differently at TeamLytica – we’re here to help.

Start-up bosses aren’t always the most experienced managers. Some, for instance, are first-time entrepreneurs with no management experience in other industries. TeamLytica, therefore, provides immediate support and recommendations for changes in management practices based on team feedback.

For startups with multiple teams, TeamLytica also provides powerful comparative tools. You’re able to identify factors that could explain why some teams perform better than others and gain valuable managerial insight. The dashboard allows you to compare survey results from various groups in your company, showing you the dimensions in which they excel and those in which they struggle.

Finally, TeamLytica provides essential tools that help you avoid losing talented employees, critical for the long-term success of your enterprise. The system allows you to import key performance indicators and correlate them with KITE measures of wellbeing. You can immediately discover high-performing but unhappy employees in your organisation, based on survey results.

Start-up CEOs and managers need all the insights at their disposal to ensure that their teams function well. TeamLytica’s platform helps to build cohesion and trust in your emerging organisation.


Boosting teamwork and performance when managing technical staff is rarely easy.

Technology companies face unique management and team-building issues. The fast-paced nature of the industry and the focus on exponential growth requires a special kind of team.

Managers in the sector can often struggle to meet tight deadlines or keep pace with the technical details of the projects that they oversee. Effective communication is, therefore, vital.

TeamLytica is a robust platform that managers in the technology sector can use to uncover insights about their teams and improve management practices.

Because of the specialist nature of work in the technology sector, companies rely on interdependent experts to push their operations forward, develop new technologies and bring them to market. Without a team that functions well, technology enterprises can find themselves losing competitiveness rapidly.

TeamLytica’s solution starts with a confidential survey. Colleagues in your organisation answer 54 questions ranging across nine management-relevant domains. The system then compiles a 28-page report, scoring various aspects of team and management performance. At the end, you get a range of actionable steps that you can take to improve your business units, based on the results of the survey.

Using KITE – K – Knowledge, I – Insights, T – Training, E – Empowerment.

The Team Summary provides a high-level overview of team performance across the nine elements the KITE survey measures: leadership, delivery, trust, capability, energy, harmony, stakeholders, accountability, and resilience. This summary lets you see how a team is performing before drilling down into the numbers and getting actionable insights.

We aim to do things a little differently at TeamLytica – we’re here to help.

The most common issue for managers in technology companies is communication: the ability for teams to disseminate information to relevant people to deliver the best possible solutions to market. TeamLytica provides a measure of how well people are talking to each other, captured by the harmony statistic.

The next most common problem is that of shifting goalposts or constant change. Not only must the technology sector deal with all the usual economic and political shocks that rock organisations, but also the technical ones too. Transformation changes in technological approaches are par for the course in today’s disruptive environment. TeamLytica, therefore, provides managers with insights on how well their teams are dealing with these changes over time and the steps that they can take to improve their outlook.

Managers need carefully crafted approaches that help them make the best possible use of people in their organisations. TeamLytica provides technology companies with a range of powerful tools that help with just that.

Suppose, for instance, you have several high-value, difficult-to-replace colleagues on your team. One of your management priorities is to ensure that these workers remain happy. The TeamLytica platform lets you combine employee performance metrics with survey data to create charts that plot performance against satisfaction. Managers can use this tool to identify colleagues who perform well but are also at risk of leaving the organisation because they’re unhappy with some aspect of the workplace.

Finally, the TeamLytica platform also lets you disaggregate performance domains by business unit. This tool is helpful for organisations with multiple teams who want to transplant the best practices from high-performance teams to those that do not do as well.

Non-Profit & Charity

Managing volunteers can often be challenging as their motivation might not be aligned to the team or organisation.

The challenges facing charities and non-profits are extreme. Figures indicate that there are more than 185,000 charities in the UK, with an additional 5,000 added every year. Managers and their teams, therefore, must find money to sustain their operations, even in the presence of increased competition.

Non-profits and charities need to diversify their revenue streams, adjust to new regulations, and find ways to plug skills gaps. Organisations will only achieve those goals, however, if they have competent, functional teams.

Here’s where TeamLytica can help. It’s a bespoke platform designed to root out team and management issues that might plague your charity or non-profit and provide actionable solutions enabling you to rectify the problem.

Using KITE – K – Knowledge, I – Insights, T – Training, E – Empowerment.

The way that the platform works is simple. Employees in your organisation complete TeamLytica’s KITE survey – a series of 54 questions covering nine critical team and management domains. The platform then compiles the data to generate a 28-page report on the performance of your team and steps managers can take to improve the situation.

The questionnaire is entirely confidential, so you get honest feedback. What’s more, it covers all the critical issues that are important for a capable, functional team, including leadership, trust, resilience, harmony and the ability to serve stakeholders.

Non-profit and charity organisations can sometimes struggle to incentivise quality work. It’s incumbent on leaders, therefore, to align employees with the goals of the organisation and ensure that they get the best possible performance from them. The Team Summary section of the report provides critical insights into each of the factors that determine the health of your team, providing an average score overview, as well as comments for what might be going wrong.

The report also contains a series of action plans based on the results. Thus, you get insights for how to best approach the various factors that might be holding you back.

We aim to do things a little differently at TeamLytica – we’re here to help.

Research from NCVO reveals that the public wants more data on how charities are run. Reports from TeamLytica help you find out whether the teams in your organisation are finding effective ways to deal with the external pressures that they face from the public, donors and other stakeholders.

Many charities comprise multiple teams, focused on a variety of different projects. As any experienced non-profit or charity manager knows, some units can be vastly more effective than others. TeamLytica’s platform provides a host of tools that you can use to root out problems in specific teams and correct them. The comparison panel lets you compare units that might be failing with those that are not, based on their feedback in the KITE survey. You can quickly identify pressing management issues and make changes based on real data.

When non-profits and charities have effective teams, they’re able to deliver powerful, world-changing results and attract more funding. The more management insights you can glean about people in your organisation, the more efficiently they’ll be able to deliver projects in the field. With TeamLytica’s actionable insights, you can take steps today to build a more robust team of people.

Public Sector

Boosting teamwork and performance is challenging when budgets are being squeezed.

If you are a manager in the public sector, you face a variety of pressing challenges. The world is volatile, uncertain and ambiguous: it’s not often clear what the future holds for specific departments or processes. What’s more, technology is changing the nature of public services, reducing staffing requirements and increasing the technical complexity of the work.

Public sector teams need to be able to deliver services to the general public effectively. Dysfunctional groups create internal problems and don’t provide the level of service that taxpayers expect. Many problems begin at the team level, which is why rooting them out and fixing them is so important.

TeamLytica is a tool that does just that. It delves into the management issues that could be affecting the performance and well-being of your team and offers solutions to resolve them.

Using KITE – K – Knowledge, I – Insights, T – Training, E – Empowerment.

The platform uses a confidential questionnaire. Managers send a survey to their colleagues covering nine domains critical for describing the success of the team. Employees then upload their answers to the platform that automatically generates a 28-page report based on the data provided.

The report contains all kinds of valuable insights that enable you to identify issues which might be hampering the effectiveness of your team. Think of it as a diagnostic tool – a way of sniffing out problems that would otherwise be challenging to observe.

The Team Overview page provides an executive summary of team and management performance across nine critical factors: leadership, delivery, trust, capability, energy, harmony, stakeholders, accountability and resilience. You can immediately get a feel for the nature and extent of the problems afflicting your department and take actions to address them.

We aim to do things a little differently at TeamLytica – we’re here to help.

Management in the public sector is difficult; complicated partly by the high levels of unionisation. With TeamLytica, you get a range of simple, actionable steps you can take immediately, based on the findings of the survey. Key development areas could include things like helping new leaders find their feet, better communicating with employees, and training and development options to enhance the effectiveness of leaders.

What about differences in performance between teams in different departments? TeamLytica can help with that too.

Many managers in the public sector often wonder why some teams perform better than others. The TeamLytica platform provides tools that allow you to compare various departments to one another and find the metrics that might explain performance differentials. One team, for instance, might have a high level of trust in management and feel confident with reporting problems; another might not.

Public sector departments also rely heavily on a select few “star” employees: people with the knowledge and expertise to keep the show running. TeamLytica allows you to important key performance metrics and cross-correlate them with employee satisfaction measures from the survey. You’re then immediately able to see whether you’re at risk of losing your most valuable people and adopting management strategies to address this.

The public sector faces management challenges from a changing workforce to people empowerment. It’s vital, therefore, that you use TeamLytica’s tools to uncover the problems holding your team back so that you can continue to deliver to the public.

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Only accredited coaches can use TeamLytica.

The training and support you get will ensure you have the right level of knowledge to be able to coach teams as well as individuals. Then our reporting platform gives you a strong structure, providing you with a foundation that you can build on with your own knowledge and experience.

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pro services

Professional Services

July 11, 20233 min read

Professional Services

Building better teams to deliver enhanced client projects and drive productivity and performance.

Professional service provision is becoming increasingly complex. Gone are the days where individual employees worked on client projects. The emphasis now is on bringing all of the skills of the team to bear on client issues.

Creating effective teams is, therefore, a top priority for firms operating in the professional services industry. They need leaders and managers who understand how to bring people together to deliver transformational change for their clients. Unhappy teams provide poor results and can lead to client dissatisfaction, reducing competitiveness and, ultimately, the viability of the enterprise.

K – Knowledge, I – Insights, T – Training, E – Empowerment. 

TeamLytrica is a tool that managers in the professional services industry can use to identify problems in their teams and get actionable solutions. The KITE questionnaire, which stands for knowledge, insights, training and empowerment, is a confidential survey containing 54 questions across nine categories for team members. The platform then takes the responses of the team and uses them to generate a report that allows managers to quickly identify issues and put in place measures to solve them.

Management issues in the professional services environment are notoriously complex. Teams are often highly interdependent, relying ad hoc on the skills of others, as and when the situation warrants it. Managers, therefore, need to focus less on process and more on interpersonal relations than in practically any other line of business.

We aim to do things a little differently at TeamLytica – we’re here to help.

TeamLytica is a powerful tool that you can use to resolve interpersonal conflict and identify the roots of any problems in your team. The service includes a measure of trust, telling you how much your colleagues trust you and feel confident that you mean what you say. It also gives you a test of harmony – an indication of how happy team members are working with each other and management. If scores are low, the platform provides immediately actionable insights, allowing you to see where you’ve gone wrong and how you can improve.

Managers in the professional services industry face a range of unique challenges. First and foremost is the need to motivate teams to work together and support each other, even when things get tough. TeamLytica provides a detailed overview of resilience among your employees, showing you visually how well they’re coping with the demands placed on them by clients and the organisation.

Managers also face challenges in establishing group goals. Career-orientated personalities in the team might be tempted to act in their strategic interest instead of that of the group. TeamLytica provides detailed insights that help managers adopt leadership practices that bypass these temptations to build single-minded teams, focused on results that benefit the entire organisation.

For managers who oversee multiple locations, such as partners at a law firm, TeamLytica also offers tools that compare results from various sites. You’re able to drill down into the data to find out why some teams in your organisation are healthy and functional, while others aren’t. You can even import key performance indicators and correlate them with the results of the survey to generate more granular insights for management.

Use TeamLytica today to find out more about what makes teams effective in your organisation

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