Team360 Report

Get an external perspective on how the team is viewed by completing our unique Team360 assessment on them.

Team360 Report

Get an external perspective on how the team is viewed by completing our unique Team360 assessment on them.

TeamLytica Your Team Dashboard example

What is a Team360 Report?

External feedback - both score-based and anecdotal - provided by stakeholders that interact with the team. Every metric within the report is compared to the team's original scores allowing for in-depth analysis.

Feedback can be sought through any combination of stakeholders and either used as individual job-related comparisons or combined together into a single report. They include:

  • Suppliers

  • Clients

  • Colleagues

TeamLytica Your Team Dashboard example

What is a Team360 Report?

External feedback - both score-based and anecdotal - provided by stakeholders that interact with the team. Every metric within the report is compared to the team's original scores allowing for in-depth analysis.

Feedback can be sought through any combination of stakeholders and either used as individual job-related comparisons or combined together into a single report. They include:

  • Suppliers

  • Clients

  • Colleagues

Why complete a Team360 Report?

Teams don't work in isolation and their team scores will be self-perception. By asking key stakeholders to assess the team, they will receive detailed and measurable feedback that can be compared agains their own scores.

Development focus can be given to lower-scored areas that will have an immediate positive impact to output or stakeholder relationships.

TeamLytica Cohesion Index example
TeamLytica comparison graphic year on year

More Coaching Opportunities for YOU

Where there are disparities between a team and benchmark score, these provides coaching and training opportunities. Specific training and support can be offered that either either closes the gap or allows the team to understand why they might think they are better than they actually are.

Measure, Manage, Improve

Your role is to help drive the team forward. What you measure you can as a manager is to continually monitor and improve what the team does. In almost any environment, the needs and influences and pressures on the team change frequently.

Understanding and positively reacting to these changes in both the short and longer-term will help your team deliver its KPIs.

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TeamLytica urgent team actions examp dashboard

Perception Vs Reality

Things often change within a team. If scores are increasing, ask yourself if this is because of your interactions, those of the team or external factors.

Likewise, scores can decrease which may be an indicator that more focused is required in those areas or, that external factors have had a negative impact on the team.

Use the data and Actions to keep moving things forward.

Close those Gaps

Alignement is key between the team and their stakeholders

Over-confidence - The team score themselves highly and probably think they are better than they actually are. Grounding required.

Under-confidence - The team scores do not reflect how they work togethers. They need building up and stakeholder feedback helps.

Alignment - The team and stakeholders agree on how the team performs, what works well and what areas need attention.

TeamLytica top team scoring questions example dashboard
TeamLytica Cohesion Index example

Why complete a Team360 Report?

Teams don't work in isolation and their team scores will be self-perception. By asking key stakeholders to assess the team, they will receive detailed and measurable feedback that can be compared agains their own scores.

Development focus can be given to lower-scored areas that will have an immediate positive impact to output or stakeholder relationships.

TeamLytica comparison graphic year on year

More Coaching Opportunities for YOU

Where there are disparities between a team and benchmark score, these provides coaching and training opportunities. Specific training and support can be offered that either either closes the gap or allows the team to understand why they might think they are better than they actually are.

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Measure, Manage, Improve

Your role is to help drive the team forward. What you measure you can as a manager is to continually monitor and improve what the team does. In almost any environment, the needs and influences and pressures on the team change frequently.

Understanding and positively reacting to these changes in both the short and longer-term will help your team deliver its KPIs.

TeamLytica urgent team actions examp dashboard

Perception Vs Reality

Things often change within a team. If scores are increasing, ask yourself if this is because of your interactions, those of the team or external factors.

Likewise, scores can decrease which may be an indicator that more focused is required in those areas or, that external factors have had a negative impact on the team.

Use the data and Actions to keep moving things forward.

TeamLytica top team scoring questions example dashboard

Close those Gaps

Alignement is key between the team and their stakeholders

Over-confidence - The team score themselves highly and probably think they are better than they actually are. Grounding required.

Under-confidence - The team scores do not reflect how they work togethers. They need building up and stakeholder feedback helps.

Alignment - The team and stakeholders agree on how the team performs, what works well and what areas need attention.

Accredited Coaches

Only accredited coaches can use TeamLytica.

The training and support you get will ensure you have the right level of knowledge to be able to coach teams as well as individuals. Then our reporting platform gives you a strong structure, providing you with a foundation that you can build on with your own knowledge and experience.

Find out more about our solution:

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pro services

Professional Services

July 11, 20233 min read

Professional Services

Building better teams to deliver enhanced client projects and drive productivity and performance.

Professional service provision is becoming increasingly complex. Gone are the days where individual employees worked on client projects. The emphasis now is on bringing all of the skills of the team to bear on client issues.

Creating effective teams is, therefore, a top priority for firms operating in the professional services industry. They need leaders and managers who understand how to bring people together to deliver transformational change for their clients. Unhappy teams provide poor results and can lead to client dissatisfaction, reducing competitiveness and, ultimately, the viability of the enterprise.

K – Knowledge, I – Insights, T – Training, E – Empowerment. 

TeamLytrica is a tool that managers in the professional services industry can use to identify problems in their teams and get actionable solutions. The KITE questionnaire, which stands for knowledge, insights, training and empowerment, is a confidential survey containing 54 questions across nine categories for team members. The platform then takes the responses of the team and uses them to generate a report that allows managers to quickly identify issues and put in place measures to solve them.

Management issues in the professional services environment are notoriously complex. Teams are often highly interdependent, relying ad hoc on the skills of others, as and when the situation warrants it. Managers, therefore, need to focus less on process and more on interpersonal relations than in practically any other line of business.

We aim to do things a little differently at TeamLytica – we’re here to help.

TeamLytica is a powerful tool that you can use to resolve interpersonal conflict and identify the roots of any problems in your team. The service includes a measure of trust, telling you how much your colleagues trust you and feel confident that you mean what you say. It also gives you a test of harmony – an indication of how happy team members are working with each other and management. If scores are low, the platform provides immediately actionable insights, allowing you to see where you’ve gone wrong and how you can improve.

Managers in the professional services industry face a range of unique challenges. First and foremost is the need to motivate teams to work together and support each other, even when things get tough. TeamLytica provides a detailed overview of resilience among your employees, showing you visually how well they’re coping with the demands placed on them by clients and the organisation.

Managers also face challenges in establishing group goals. Career-orientated personalities in the team might be tempted to act in their strategic interest instead of that of the group. TeamLytica provides detailed insights that help managers adopt leadership practices that bypass these temptations to build single-minded teams, focused on results that benefit the entire organisation.

For managers who oversee multiple locations, such as partners at a law firm, TeamLytica also offers tools that compare results from various sites. You’re able to drill down into the data to find out why some teams in your organisation are healthy and functional, while others aren’t. You can even import key performance indicators and correlate them with the results of the survey to generate more granular insights for management.

Use TeamLytica today to find out more about what makes teams effective in your organisation

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Tyrelle Mcleod-Bentley


Soccer Assist

The irony is not lost on us that we recruit and place the next generation of sports stars who all have to excel in teams. The Teamlytica platform has helped us get to a place where we're proud of our own team performances.


Anita Dev


TeamWork ADL

The team reports have really helped our team and given our senior leaders the knowledge we've needed to make effective changes to the way we work and manage.


Steve Chown

Entrepreneurial Innovation Manager

TeamLytica's software has been identified as a valuable tool to check the effectiveness of newly combined teams in the Bank. We are using it to review their progress as the staff become more integrated.


Tyrelle Mcleod-Bentley


Soccer Assist

The irony is not lost on us that we recruit and place the next generation of sports stars who all have to excel in teams. The Teamlytica platform has helped us get to a place where we're proud of our own team performances.


Anita Dev


TeamWork ADL

The team reports have really helped our team and given our senior leaders the knowledge we've needed to make effective changes to the way we work and manage.


Steve Chown

Entrepreneurial Innovation Manager

TeamLytica's software has been identified as a valuable tool to check the effectiveness of newly combined teams in the Bank. We are using it to review their progress as the staff become more integrated.