Empowering Coaches.

Enabling Teams.

Helping you and your clients build, assess and sustain high-performing business teams.

TeamLytica Overview

In 90 just seconds you can learn all about the TeamLytica approach and how it can help you improve team and leadership development and help with your business development and revenue generation.

TeamLytica empowers coaches, leadership trainers and HR professionals to support their clients in achieving higher performing teams.

Through our training, team assessments and support services, we help you deliver greater results, increase client retention and widen your client base, ultimately providing a more sustainable future for everyone involved.

Who is Teamlytica for?

  • Business, Executive and Team Coaches

  • Leadership and Team Development companies

  • HR Companies and Practitioners

  • Business Consultants

  • Learning and Development departments

Group of 4 people working together over a table
Teamlytica Team Dashboard

Professional Team Intervention

Only accredited coaches can use TeamLytica ensuring we all deliver and maintain the highest standards for our clients and their teams and leaders.

The training and support you get will ensure you have the right level of knowledge to be able to support and develop teams alongside your professional coaching qualifications.

Then our reporting platform gives you a strong structure, providing you with a foundation that you can build on with your own knowledge and experience.

Who is Teamlytica Accreditation for?

  • Business and Executive Coaches

  • Team Development

  • Companies

  • Consultants

  • Team Coaches

  • Leadership Trainers

  • HR Consultants

  • HR Managers and Directors

3 Ways We Help You


Further build your skills, knowledge and confidence


Provide a different and unique assessment solution for your toolbox


Grow , enhance and diversify your business revenue streams

What Coaches & Trainers Using TeamLytica Have

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The ability to provide immediate quick wins and prioritised actions for your client and their team

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The ability to track team progress over time, creating opportunities for growth

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Access to a tool that complements psychometric profiling and adds to your assessment repertoire

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The opportunity to create 'sticky content' with clients to lengthen and widen your professional offering

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A structured way of working so that you can effectively assess, coach and reassess to increase team outcomes

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A key differentiator in the market- making you stand out from your competition and lead the way

The ability to provide immediate quick wins in terms of actionable solutions with clients

The ability to track team progress over time, creating opportunities for growth and improvement

Access to a tool that complements psychometric tests, adding to your tool box

The chance to add more value to your team, your company and your company culture

A structured way of working so that you can effectively manage your team and outcomes

A key differentiator in the market- making you stand out from your competition and lead the way

Find out more about our solution:

TeamLytica's Suite of Support

Our reporting platform is at the heart of TeamLytica but, we offer so much more. Our training, accreditation and community has been built to help, support and empower you to build knowledge and understanding around the teams you work with.

The insight is simple and easy to interpret, meaning coaches can offer immediate action points that can make a difference to any team straight away, as well as offering the ability to build longer term action plans that can elevate teams, putting them on the journey to become high performing.

Reports With Longevity

Full Team Report - A detailed report for any team. It delivers an interactive dashboard and PDF report showing indicators for Cohesion, Stress and Psychological safety. Every metric across all nine categories and 45 questions is R.A.G scored.

Team360 Report - Assess how the team is viewed from clients, suppliers or colleagues. Comparisons can highlight further development, coaching or training requirements from you.

Benchmark Report - Re-test the team after you have weaved your coaching magic. Demonstrate improvements or where further work is required - more of your coaching or training expertise.

We offer a selection of complementary courses that build your skills and knowledge to effectively use TeamLytica. Team Reports including the Benchmark and Team360 solutions.

Manage your priorities – whether you manage a single team, an area, region or entire company, our powerful dashboards and data filters allow you to understand your teams strengths, how stressed they feel and their overall morale.

Drill in further to category summaries and individual question scores – all colour-coded for ease of use.

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You are not alone with TeamLytica. We are keen for all our pioneers and associates to learn and grow from each other.

We like to share best-practice advice on both building and sustaining a coaching business as well as how to effectively utilise the TeamLytica suite of services to deliver ongoing client delight.


We offer two types of consulting that supports your work:

Report Interpretation: We are available to help you interpret a team report and build a suitable action plan for client delivery.

Larger Projects: If you have a larger project we can work with you and your client to to create an effective solution for them (and you).

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Image showing ROI which stands for Return On Investment

Show Impact Over Time

It's always been a challenge within the coaching and L&D environment to prove the worth of your work. TeamLytica has work hard to overcome this and created resources that allow you and your client to measure progress over time.

Our Benchmark Report allows you to remeasure teams 3-6 months after the initial assessment. Every metric is compared allowing you to show progress, or otherwise, on the areas you have been focusing on and selling in your next phase of support.

Return on Investment

Choose from a Full Report to assess your team, or review progress against previous results with a Benchmark Report.

For larger or multiple teams we also have Team360 and Multi-Team Reporting

Become Accredited

TeamLytica isn’t right for every coach. Find out more about what we cover in our accreditation training, or if you’d like to see if you’re eligible to become an accredited TeamLytica coach, please complete our pre-qualification questionnaire.

Laptop showing Teamlytica Report Summary with decorative background

Anita Devi


TeamWork ADL

The team reports have really helped our team and given our senior leaders the knowledge we've needed to make effective changes to the way we work and manage.


Stuart Rose

Managing Director

Fire Event

We're a team building company and we've used the TeamLytica reports on a number of times. They really help us identify the areas where teams need immediate help.


Steve Chown

Entrepreneurial Innovation Manager

TeamLytica's software has been identified as a valuable tool to check the effectiveness of newly combined teams in the Bank. We are using it to review their progress as the staff become more integrated.

Accredited Coaches

Only accredited coaches can use TeamLytica.

The training and support you get will ensure you have the right level of knowledge to be able to coach teams as well as individuals. Then our reporting platform gives you a strong structure, providing you with a foundation that you can build on with your own knowledge and experience.

Find out more about our solution:

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News & Blogs

pro services

Professional Services

July 11, 20233 min read

Professional Services

Building better teams to deliver enhanced client projects and drive productivity and performance.

Professional service provision is becoming increasingly complex. Gone are the days where individual employees worked on client projects. The emphasis now is on bringing all of the skills of the team to bear on client issues.

Creating effective teams is, therefore, a top priority for firms operating in the professional services industry. They need leaders and managers who understand how to bring people together to deliver transformational change for their clients. Unhappy teams provide poor results and can lead to client dissatisfaction, reducing competitiveness and, ultimately, the viability of the enterprise.

K – Knowledge, I – Insights, T – Training, E – Empowerment. 

TeamLytrica is a tool that managers in the professional services industry can use to identify problems in their teams and get actionable solutions. The KITE questionnaire, which stands for knowledge, insights, training and empowerment, is a confidential survey containing 54 questions across nine categories for team members. The platform then takes the responses of the team and uses them to generate a report that allows managers to quickly identify issues and put in place measures to solve them.

Management issues in the professional services environment are notoriously complex. Teams are often highly interdependent, relying ad hoc on the skills of others, as and when the situation warrants it. Managers, therefore, need to focus less on process and more on interpersonal relations than in practically any other line of business.

We aim to do things a little differently at TeamLytica – we’re here to help.

TeamLytica is a powerful tool that you can use to resolve interpersonal conflict and identify the roots of any problems in your team. The service includes a measure of trust, telling you how much your colleagues trust you and feel confident that you mean what you say. It also gives you a test of harmony – an indication of how happy team members are working with each other and management. If scores are low, the platform provides immediately actionable insights, allowing you to see where you’ve gone wrong and how you can improve.

Managers in the professional services industry face a range of unique challenges. First and foremost is the need to motivate teams to work together and support each other, even when things get tough. TeamLytica provides a detailed overview of resilience among your employees, showing you visually how well they’re coping with the demands placed on them by clients and the organisation.

Managers also face challenges in establishing group goals. Career-orientated personalities in the team might be tempted to act in their strategic interest instead of that of the group. TeamLytica provides detailed insights that help managers adopt leadership practices that bypass these temptations to build single-minded teams, focused on results that benefit the entire organisation.

For managers who oversee multiple locations, such as partners at a law firm, TeamLytica also offers tools that compare results from various sites. You’re able to drill down into the data to find out why some teams in your organisation are healthy and functional, while others aren’t. You can even import key performance indicators and correlate them with the results of the survey to generate more granular insights for management.

Use TeamLytica today to find out more about what makes teams effective in your organisation

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